Humor at the grocery store

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What do Winston Churchill and AnnahLilly have in common?

Well, nothing really, except for a funny line a neighbor dropped on AnnahLilly and I on a recent trip to the grocery store.

Fran -- she's an older lady, probably in her 80s -- hadn't met AnnahLilly yet, so I was happy when we ran into her in the deli department of our local Publix. She came over and was just enthralled. I'll try to sum up what she said:

"Oh, she's just beautiful. With a lot of babies, you say that, but they're not; they look like gnomes. ...

"Some of my kids looked like Winston Churchill!"

Food files

Friday, November 5, 2010

First brown rice cereal.

Then oatmeal cereal.

Green beans, sweet peas and squash -- they've all followed.

AnnahLilly's adventures in eating has been in full swing for a few weeks now. And she's been doing really well, too, with the majority of the food ending up in her belly and not on her face!

Here's a video from the second day of her eating brown rice cereal: