It's been a long road for Jennifer and I since Lillian Rose passed away. Many of the proverbial mountains to climb and hurdles to overcome. Emotionally. Physically.
Triage B was one of the hurdles. It was where nurses tried and tried to find Lillian Rose's heartbeat on the night of Nov. 14, 2008, a day after her due date. And it was eventually where a sonographer, after wheeling in her clunky machine into that closet of a room, regrettably told us there was no fetal heartbeat. Shock and grief and tears flowed thereafter in ways we never thought we'd overcome. I remember just sinking to the floor in utter disbelief. "No" seemed to be the only word we could muster.
We tried to avoid Triage B during this pregnancy. A nurse went to put us in that room for one of Jen's first nonstress tests for AnnahLilly. We politely asked to be moved to another room. That's where we lost our last baby, we told her.
A few weeks back, however, another nurse went to put us into Triage B and, after a bit of silent hesitation, we proceeded. And there, in that cold, stark room where our hopes were crushed months ago, AnnahLilly's little heart beat strongly. As if she was saying, "Mom and dad, it's going to be OK."
And with that, we jumped another hurdle.
Love you guys and looking forward so much to next week.......POP
What a powerful post. You two have been through so much. Just think what an amazing, joyful, miraculous day Tuesday will be. My prayers are with you!
OK.....it's not nice to make someone cry in the middle of the day. Just so you know, Tyler, Zach and I pray every time they lay down (for a nap, or night-time, whatever) and also at 11:11. (It's better than wishing). We fold our hands together and in our most recent prayers we ask God to bless your family and this upcoming birth. Can't wait for next week!
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