Oh, how big our little one is getting. We had her two-month appointment yesterday and here are her latest stats (percentiles are for a gestational age of 36 weeks):
Weight: 9.9 lbs (77%-78%)
Height: 22 inches (87%)
Head circumference: 14.8 inches (70%-71%)
Overall, the pediatrician is very pleased with AnnahLilly. She's looking great! That's certainly good to hear.
Thursday's appointment was important for another reason: AnnahLilly had her first four vaccinations.
Three were given as shots in her front upper thighs, the fourth was an oral liquid medication.
After the initial screams and cries, she quickly calmed as we got her in her carseat to leave. What a trooper. Maybe she was eased by her cool soccer ball Band-Aids!
A little later in afternoon, however, she was in some pain. Her poor little thighs were red and swollen. She cried in spurts, but mostly slept it off.
Fortunately, she has not had a fever, a frequent side effect of vaccines. And, 24 hours later, her redness and swelling is all but gone.
Hang in there, little one. You make us proud.
1 comment:
love the soccer bandaid...hope that is a trend in years to come...her dad played, her uncle played, her cousin plays, only fitting that she does
-Uncle Drew
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