Today is AnnahLilly's Baek-il, her 100th day, a much celebrated day in Korea and so, of course, a much celebrated day in our household.
Baek-Il is a Korean tradition celebrating that the infant has survived to this important milestone. Traditionally, the purpose is to give thanks and pray for the child to have many blessings. It also marks the child's first year of life, nine months of pregnancy plus 100 days is about a year. So, in Korea, AnnahLilly would be 1 year old. And at her next birthday she would be 2. And so on.
The day should be celebrated with family and friends and with a bountiful table of auspicious foods. AnnahLilly's Halmoni (grandmother) was here to share the day with us and made us a feast of long noodles (to signify a long life). AnnahLilly's Baek-il table was full of sweet rice cakes (for the sweetness of life), an American cake as well as the traditional bounty of fruits.
Traditionally, 100 white rice cakes are supposed to be sent out and shared with friends. We Americanized this by sending the white cake to work with Brent after the celebration. We think that will do just fine.
The day is also marked by the baby wearing her first Hanbok, a Korean dress. According to tradition, before the 100th day the baby traditionally wears white clothes that were easy to sterilize and keep clean from infection. Baek-il is also the first time people outside of the immediate family are allowed to enter the home and see the baby. Sort of the way we say a baby should stay home for the first six weeks of life to minimize the chance of infection.
We took the traditional Baek-il photos and we also couldn't resist the urge to take a few photos of AnnahLilly in the beautiful white dress that her Halmoni made for her. It's very similar to the one she'll be wearing for her baptism in November.