The ceiling fans, picture frames, mommy and daddy. These are a few of AnnahLilly's favorite things.
Nothing makes my heart melt more than watching AnnahLilly smile and gurgle at a ceiling fan. Every time she sees it, it's like she's found a long lost friend.
Our little wonder has turned into quite the charmer. I often pass an hour just watching her giggle and coo. I laugh when she laughs. Smile when she smiles. Coo when she coos. It's the most rewarding achievement of my life.
Graduated from the Executive Leadership Program. Check.
Attended Harvard. Check.
Promoted into management in my 20s. Check.
Bringing AnnahLilly into this world surpasses all of those in bringing me a sense of true accomplishment. She is the greatest thing I've ever done, and I can't wait to watch her surpass all of my achievements.
Our little girl is going to charm and conquer.
And I can't wait to watch every moment.
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