Soccer future?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The kicks have begun. Jen felt the first the other night and two more late last night. And if the sonogram was any indication, Jen will need to be prepared for much -- MUCH -- more!

Drum roll, please

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's a girl!

We're still relatively early in the pregnancy, but we were blessed to find out at 16 weeks and 3 days that we are having a girl!

Monday's sonogram was special for a few more reasons, too.

* Jennifer's mom was able to come into the sonogram room to get a behind-the-belly look at the baby.

* Baby was SO active. She kept bringing her hands to her face, sucking her thumb, and even appeared to be blowing kisses. She was busy kicking mommy's insides, too. At one point, she pushed her foot against mommy in order to balance her arm and keep her hand to her face. (So smart and talented already!)

We'll be sure to get some sonogram photos scanned in real soon!