A sneak peek

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lovely Leaves Story Christmas 5x7 folded card
Shutterfly has classic, elegant Christmas invitations for your party.
View the entire collection of cards.

Humor at the grocery store

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What do Winston Churchill and AnnahLilly have in common?

Well, nothing really, except for a funny line a neighbor dropped on AnnahLilly and I on a recent trip to the grocery store.

Fran -- she's an older lady, probably in her 80s -- hadn't met AnnahLilly yet, so I was happy when we ran into her in the deli department of our local Publix. She came over and was just enthralled. I'll try to sum up what she said:

"Oh, she's just beautiful. With a lot of babies, you say that, but they're not; they look like gnomes. ...

"Some of my kids looked like Winston Churchill!"

Food files

Friday, November 5, 2010

First brown rice cereal.

Then oatmeal cereal.

Green beans, sweet peas and squash -- they've all followed.

AnnahLilly's adventures in eating has been in full swing for a few weeks now. And she's been doing really well, too, with the majority of the food ending up in her belly and not on her face!

Here's a video from the second day of her eating brown rice cereal:

Spinning round and round

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

AnnahLilly apparently was a helicopter in a past life.

Go into her room at several points during the night and she'll have circled the wagons.

Ninety degrees; a complete 180; 270 ... sure, why not? She's got it all in her repertoire.

And now that she's rolling over, too, we've seen her with her cheek up against the backside of the crib.

Call it extreme sleeping.

Roll over. I'm crowded. So they all rolled over. . .

Saturday, September 25, 2010

She did it!

AnnahLilly rolled over for her first time yesterday. She rolled from her back to her tummy. Then she did it again and again and again. Apparently rolling over is great fun and its so cute to see her look of pride and smiles every time we clap for her.

And, as if that wasn't enough, today she rolled from her tummy to her back. Watch out world, AnnahLilly's mobile and she has places to go even if those places aren't very far yet.

Fun at Disney

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Four months. Three trips to Disney.

AnnahLilly sure has had her fill of Disney World in her early life. A sign of things to come? Absolutely. It's the happiest place on earth and we'll relish all the trips we can take.

As for the three we've taken already, we went to Hollywood Studios on July 6 with Jackie, Michael and Xander Whitley; Epcot with Drew, Heather and Olivia Conklin on July 27; and Magic Kingdom on Sept. 20 with just us.

Some of her Disney World firsts:

* Resort stay: Pop Century

* Park: Hollywood Studios

* Attraction: Playhouse Disney, Hollywood Studios

* Ride: Spaceship Earth, Epcot

* Restaurant: Hollywood and Vine, Hollywood Studios

* Character photo: Jojo

* Country visited at Epcot: Mexico

But easily one of the highlights was a meeting with Minnie Mouse at Epcot. She was enraptured by those cute ears and nose. We mean AnnahLilly was enraptured by Minnie, although the mouse sure seemed fond of our wee one, too!


Our Labor Day weekend trip to New Jersey was AnnahLilly's first flights.

How'd she do? Fantastic. She was easily better than some of the grumpy folks around us, that's for sure.

She had a few minor blips. The changing table in the bathroom -- um, not good. We're thinking it had something to do with the vibration.

On takeoff and landing for both flights? Perfect.

So with an expected trip to Italy in the spring, we're thinking she'll be just fine.


Monday, September 20, 2010

When Jen went back to work in August, we were fortunate to have both grandmas stay for extended periods of time.

Brent's mom was first to visit. She came for a week. When she's old enough to talk, AnnahLilly will call her Baba, the Ukrainian term for grandmother.

Jen's mom came a few days after that and was able to stay about two weeks. AnnahLilly will call her Halmoni, the Korean word for grandmother. It's pronounced just like harmony.

It was so special for both grandmothers to get to spend quality time with AnnahLilly at such an early age, and we look forward to the many more visits to come in the future.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today is AnnahLilly's Baek-il, her 100th day, a much celebrated day in Korea and so, of course, a much celebrated day in our household.

Baek-Il is a Korean tradition celebrating that the infant has survived to this important milestone. Traditionally, the purpose is to give thanks and pray for the child to have many blessings. It also marks the child's first year of life, nine months of pregnancy plus 100 days is about a year. So, in Korea, AnnahLilly would be 1 year old. And at her next birthday she would be 2. And so on.

The day should be celebrated with family and friends and with a bountiful table of auspicious foods. AnnahLilly's Halmoni (grandmother) was here to share the day with us and made us a feast of long noodles (to signify a long life). AnnahLilly's Baek-il table was full of sweet rice cakes (for the sweetness of life), an American cake as well as the traditional bounty of fruits.

Traditionally, 100 white rice cakes are supposed to be sent out and shared with friends. We Americanized this by sending the white cake to work with Brent after the celebration. We think that will do just fine.

The day is also marked by the baby wearing her first Hanbok, a Korean dress. According to tradition, before the 100th day the baby traditionally wears white clothes that were easy to sterilize and keep clean from infection. Baek-il is also the first time people outside of the immediate family are allowed to enter the home and see the baby. Sort of the way we say a baby should stay home for the first six weeks of life to minimize the chance of infection.

We took the traditional Baek-il photos and we also couldn't resist the urge to take a few photos of AnnahLilly in the beautiful white dress that her Halmoni made for her. It's very similar to the one she'll be wearing for her baptism in November.

Good mornings

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I've NEVER EVER been a morning person. I flatly enjoy sleep too much. But AnnahLilly sure is changing me.

There's nothing like seeing her wiggling around in her crib early in the morning -- by early, I mean around 8-ish -- with those eyes WIDE open.

Lately, she's been turning on the charm, giving me some precious good morning smiles. As if to say, "I know you're not a morning guy, Dad, but come on, I'm cute."

No worries, Sweetpea, I'd gladly give up some sleep to see you for even just a few minutes more.

This photo was taken before she went to sleep last night:

The sweetest moments

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The ceiling fans, picture frames, mommy and daddy. These are a few of AnnahLilly's favorite things.

Nothing makes my heart melt more than watching AnnahLilly smile and gurgle at a ceiling fan. Every time she sees it, it's like she's found a long lost friend.

Our little wonder has turned into quite the charmer. I often pass an hour just watching her giggle and coo. I laugh when she laughs. Smile when she smiles. Coo when she coos. It's the most rewarding achievement of my life.

Graduated from the Executive Leadership Program. Check.

Attended Harvard. Check.

Promoted into management in my 20s. Check.

Bringing AnnahLilly into this world surpasses all of those in bringing me a sense of true accomplishment. She is the greatest thing I've ever done, and I can't wait to watch her surpass all of my achievements.

Our little girl is going to charm and conquer.

And I can't wait to watch every moment.

Bye-bye bassinet

Tuesday was a big day in the life of AnnahLilly. Daddy disassembled her bassinet, her very first bed. Time for it to go in the attic for if and when she gets a brother or sister.

First words! Well, sorta

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

OK, sure, they're not the official first words, but we heard 'em. Yesterday AnnahLilly said "la" and "gooey" -- as clear as day! Then today came the most distinctive "coo" to date.

The little things

Monday, August 2, 2010

The milestones are great and memorable, but its the myriad little things that make up the bulk of each day. Thanks to cameras, its easy to capture all of those tiny moments.

Case in point: AnnahLilly's sock came off perfectly and sat nicely on her car seat, just like our little one had placed it there. It's funny how the littlest of things are so cute!

To sleep we go

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A late night feeding with mom.

The past two nights we've been transitioning AnnahLilly from a bassinet in our room to a crib in her room. Such a big move for a tiny girl.

Last night we wheeled her bassinet into her room and tonight she moved into her crib. She looks so small in that great big crib. Just like she once looked so small in her bassinet.

I can't say that she seems to have cared one way or another where she sleeps, but the transition has been tough on mom. I miss having her near me and being able to easily peek in on her whenever the urge strikes. She's so lovely and peaceful when she sleeps.

Our compromise has been to move into the guest room temporarily so that we're closer to her. Logically I know it makes no difference where we sleep since we have a monitor. But I like the idea of being near at hand.

So, another big life step accomplished for our little one. She's growing so fast. And, I have to admit it's nice to see a baby finally sleeping in that crib.

A Disney pro already

In line, contemplating her first ride: Spaceship Earth.

AnnahLilly is starting to hit her Disney groove.

We all knew that was coming, given that her parents are Disney annual passholders, aka Disney addicts.

Trip No. 1 was with her godparents Michael and Jackie, and godbrother Xander, July 5-6. We stayed overnight at Pop Century and spent the first day relaxing and having a nice lunch at Sanaa.

We decided to hit Disney's Hollywood Studios on July 6. Highlights of the day included the Playhouse Disney show, followed by a character lunch with the Playhouse Disney characters. The sky was overcast: perfect weather for AnnahLilly's first Disney outing.

Trip No. 2 was with Uncle Drew, Aunt Heather and Cousin Olivia. We arrived at EPCOT in the afternoon and stayed until the fireworks, which we tried to avoid. (Oh, AnnahLilly did NOT enjoy those big booming sounds!) Highlights of the day included her first ride: Spaceship Earth.

The two-month mark

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's one thing to say, "Oh, she's getting so big." It's another to actually see it.

In AnnahLilly's early days, Daddy so wanted to put her in this cute pair of butterfly pajamas. No doing -- too big.

But just this past week, the week she turned two months, AnnahLilly fit perfectly into those butterfly pajamas. Oh, she's getting so big.

Some other signs: She seems like a giant in her bassinet these days. Then there's the increased alertness, smiling and cooing. Nighttime is getting a little easier, too. And we're also seeing a little sliver of brown in her lower left eye, a sign of the color to come.

Oh, our little one is becoming her own little person, that's for sure. We can't help but smile when we look at her.

Two-month checkup

Friday, July 16, 2010

Oh, how big our little one is getting. We had her two-month appointment yesterday and here are her latest stats (percentiles are for a gestational age of 36 weeks):

Weight: 9.9 lbs (77%-78%)

Height: 22 inches (87%)

Head circumference: 14.8 inches (70%-71%)

Overall, the pediatrician is very pleased with AnnahLilly. She's looking great! That's certainly good to hear.

Thursday's appointment was important for another reason: AnnahLilly had her first four vaccinations.

Three were given as shots in her front upper thighs, the fourth was an oral liquid medication.

After the initial screams and cries, she quickly calmed as we got her in her carseat to leave. What a trooper. Maybe she was eased by her cool soccer ball Band-Aids!

A little later in afternoon, however, she was in some pain. Her poor little thighs were red and swollen. She cried in spurts, but mostly slept it off.

Fortunately, she has not had a fever, a frequent side effect of vaccines. And, 24 hours later, her redness and swelling is all but gone.

Hang in there, little one. You make us proud.

Happy July Fourth

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day to all of our family and friends.

We've been enjoying spending some special time with Michael and Jackie Whitley (AnnahLilly's godparents) and their son (our Godson) Xander.

This morning we all went to church and visited Lillian Rose. It was a nice moment having all of the babies together and I said extra prayers for all of their safe keeping.

We had a low key holiday with a festive bbq and quality time just hanging out with dear friends. It's times like these that we realize how blessed we are by having such special people in our lives.

Little Xander enjoyed the fireworks the neighbors set off, along with the sparklers we bought. He was so excited pointing at the bright lights to make sure we weren't missing a thing. As for AnnahLilly, she slept. And Herald stood by to protect her. OK, maybe he was nearby to get some protection for himself.

The highlight of the day though, was a god-sibling photoshoot. These two are so cute. I predict many more photos like these in the future.

Tomorrow's adventure: AnnahLilly's first visit to Disney World!

Little wonders

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Right at his moment AnnahLilly, Herald and I are sitting on the back porch listening to 'Elaborate Lives' from Aida.

At the Maynard Institute program I attended at Harvard I declared this song to be my heartsong. And, I think that's even more true now. Ultimately, the most important things on Earth are family and the relationships you build in your life. As hard as it is to keep life from intruding, these moments are really all that matter.

So, today I'm marveling in the moment with my beautiful daughter. I'm taking in the warmth of her skin, the smell of her and the softness of her hair. She is such a little wonder and we are so very blessed by her.

I love watching her smile in her sleep and the tiny little mousy sounds she makes. She is the greatest miracle of our lives.

AnnahLilly's first professional photo shoot

Monday, June 7, 2010

Here's a link to the rest of the photos on Facebook. And, no, you don't have to be a Facebook member to see them.


A memorable Sunday

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We've been to church many times in our lives, but none more special than this past Sunday.

It was AnnahLilly's first trip to church, and she was nothing short of an angel throughout the service. Father Eric also gave her a blessing (her first) when we went up for Communion.

Smiles certainly were aplenty, but tears, too. The latter more prevalent when we took AnnahLilly to see her sister for the first time in the church garden. A few words were said, but none needed to be, to be honest.

Here's a video of her time inside the church:

AnnahLilly video: First bath

Sunday, May 30, 2010

AnnahLilly: 1 week old video

A more-awake AnnahLilly at 1 week old in her bassinet.

Video from Day 1

I captured a few moments of a just-born AnnahLilly in our quiet hospital room that first day, May 19. What a little wonder.

One week birthday

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Somehow a full week has already passed since our little AnnahLilly joined our family. The time really has flown and we've been in awe of every single moment and blessed by every little breath our tiny little girl has taken.

This weeks milestones include her overcoming a variety of issues:

Her tiny hands and feet turned a deep purple and were treated by exchanging some of her blood for saline.

Her jaundice was finally kicked to the curb for good on Day 6 with the help of a BiliBlanket that made her glow like a little glow worm.

And, finally, she seems to be conquering the small little infection incurred by some of the medicines given to me during labor.

Whew! What a little fighter! She's a tough little thing already.

She's been to the hospital every day of her life. But, finally, today the visit wasn't for a blood draw, but for something fun!

Today we had our first Little Nippers class. The class is a mommy and me hour with the hospital's childcare educator and lactation expert. And it's an opportunity for the babies and mommies to meet each other. So far, the babies in the class are all much older than our little girl, but I'm sure that will change soon. The hospital has been hopping of late with a bunch of babies being born.

AnnahLilly is still very popular with the hospital staff. Yesterday during her visit, she had several nurses running down the hall to get to hold her first. And today, Christine, the child care educator, spent 30 minutes after everyone left class just holding her and answering all of my crazy questions.

We've made some great friends at the hospital and we're blessed by their addition to our lives. We've never met so many people with such big hearts.

Speaking of big hearts: We've been overwhelmed by the amount of love and support that has blanketed us from every corner of the globe from our friends and family. AnnahLilly is the luckiest girl in the world. She has so much love wrapped around her.

I started this blog on October 8th with this post . . .

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

I also wore that quote on a bracelet during the early months of my pregnancy. I knew that God had a plan for us. I just had no idea that his plan would change our lives so powerfully.

Fighting jaundice

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Savannah Lilly Conklin has only been around for four days, but she's had enough needle sticks and pokes to make a pin cushion jealous. Poor little girl. But she's been a champion for baby battlers of bilirubin the world over.

Well, it was pretty much a given that AnnahLilly would get jaundice with her way-above-average red blood cell count. Fortunately it hasn't been so high that she needs to be put into a suitcase. Her treatment thus far has been around-the-clock use of a biliblanket. She's been using it for as long as we've been home: the past two days. This Tampa Bay-area health care company brought it to our house shortly after our arrival Friday afternoon, and went over everything with us; dude was extremely nice.

What has it been like for AnnahLilly at home?

1. Eat
2. Sleep atop biliblanket
3. Go potty
4. Repeat steps 1-3

So, what's next?

Little girl's latest heel stick blood numbers, taken Saturday morning, came back a little lower than the previous day, so that was good news. She scored a 14 on the bilirubin graph, which for her hour age -- she was approximately 80 hours at the time of the test -- is in the high intermediate risk zone. So, her on-call doctor ordered one more day of biliblanket, plus another heel stick Sunday morning. We're crossing our fingers that another day of Mr. Biliblanket will prove beneficial.

More pics

Thursday, May 20, 2010