To sleep we go

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A late night feeding with mom.

The past two nights we've been transitioning AnnahLilly from a bassinet in our room to a crib in her room. Such a big move for a tiny girl.

Last night we wheeled her bassinet into her room and tonight she moved into her crib. She looks so small in that great big crib. Just like she once looked so small in her bassinet.

I can't say that she seems to have cared one way or another where she sleeps, but the transition has been tough on mom. I miss having her near me and being able to easily peek in on her whenever the urge strikes. She's so lovely and peaceful when she sleeps.

Our compromise has been to move into the guest room temporarily so that we're closer to her. Logically I know it makes no difference where we sleep since we have a monitor. But I like the idea of being near at hand.

So, another big life step accomplished for our little one. She's growing so fast. And, I have to admit it's nice to see a baby finally sleeping in that crib.

A Disney pro already

In line, contemplating her first ride: Spaceship Earth.

AnnahLilly is starting to hit her Disney groove.

We all knew that was coming, given that her parents are Disney annual passholders, aka Disney addicts.

Trip No. 1 was with her godparents Michael and Jackie, and godbrother Xander, July 5-6. We stayed overnight at Pop Century and spent the first day relaxing and having a nice lunch at Sanaa.

We decided to hit Disney's Hollywood Studios on July 6. Highlights of the day included the Playhouse Disney show, followed by a character lunch with the Playhouse Disney characters. The sky was overcast: perfect weather for AnnahLilly's first Disney outing.

Trip No. 2 was with Uncle Drew, Aunt Heather and Cousin Olivia. We arrived at EPCOT in the afternoon and stayed until the fireworks, which we tried to avoid. (Oh, AnnahLilly did NOT enjoy those big booming sounds!) Highlights of the day included her first ride: Spaceship Earth.

The two-month mark

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's one thing to say, "Oh, she's getting so big." It's another to actually see it.

In AnnahLilly's early days, Daddy so wanted to put her in this cute pair of butterfly pajamas. No doing -- too big.

But just this past week, the week she turned two months, AnnahLilly fit perfectly into those butterfly pajamas. Oh, she's getting so big.

Some other signs: She seems like a giant in her bassinet these days. Then there's the increased alertness, smiling and cooing. Nighttime is getting a little easier, too. And we're also seeing a little sliver of brown in her lower left eye, a sign of the color to come.

Oh, our little one is becoming her own little person, that's for sure. We can't help but smile when we look at her.

Two-month checkup

Friday, July 16, 2010

Oh, how big our little one is getting. We had her two-month appointment yesterday and here are her latest stats (percentiles are for a gestational age of 36 weeks):

Weight: 9.9 lbs (77%-78%)

Height: 22 inches (87%)

Head circumference: 14.8 inches (70%-71%)

Overall, the pediatrician is very pleased with AnnahLilly. She's looking great! That's certainly good to hear.

Thursday's appointment was important for another reason: AnnahLilly had her first four vaccinations.

Three were given as shots in her front upper thighs, the fourth was an oral liquid medication.

After the initial screams and cries, she quickly calmed as we got her in her carseat to leave. What a trooper. Maybe she was eased by her cool soccer ball Band-Aids!

A little later in afternoon, however, she was in some pain. Her poor little thighs were red and swollen. She cried in spurts, but mostly slept it off.

Fortunately, she has not had a fever, a frequent side effect of vaccines. And, 24 hours later, her redness and swelling is all but gone.

Hang in there, little one. You make us proud.

Happy July Fourth

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day to all of our family and friends.

We've been enjoying spending some special time with Michael and Jackie Whitley (AnnahLilly's godparents) and their son (our Godson) Xander.

This morning we all went to church and visited Lillian Rose. It was a nice moment having all of the babies together and I said extra prayers for all of their safe keeping.

We had a low key holiday with a festive bbq and quality time just hanging out with dear friends. It's times like these that we realize how blessed we are by having such special people in our lives.

Little Xander enjoyed the fireworks the neighbors set off, along with the sparklers we bought. He was so excited pointing at the bright lights to make sure we weren't missing a thing. As for AnnahLilly, she slept. And Herald stood by to protect her. OK, maybe he was nearby to get some protection for himself.

The highlight of the day though, was a god-sibling photoshoot. These two are so cute. I predict many more photos like these in the future.

Tomorrow's adventure: AnnahLilly's first visit to Disney World!